- specific entry
- описание книги под одной из узких рубрик систематической классификации
Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу. 2013.
Entry inhibitor — Entry inhibitors, also known as fusion inhibitors, are a class of antiretroviral drugs, used in combination therapy for the treatment of HIV infection. This class of drugs interferes with the binding, fusion and entry of an HIV virion to a human… … Wikipedia
Entry Level — is the lowest level in the National Qualifications Framework in the United Kingdom. Qualifications at this level recognise basic knowledge and skills and the ability to apply learning in everyday situations under direct guidance or supervision.… … Wikipedia
specific heat capacity — specific heat or specific heat capacity noun (physics) The number of heat units necessary to raise the unit of mass of a given substance one degree in temperature • • • Main Entry: ↑specify … Useful english dictionary
Specific Area Message Encoding — or SAME is the protocol used to encode the Emergency Alert System in the U.S. for broadcast stations. It was originally created for NOAA Weather Radio by the National Weather Service, and was later adopted by the FCC for regular broadcasters on… … Wikipedia
specific learning difficulty — Any of various identifiable particular learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia etc • • • Main Entry: ↑learn … Useful english dictionary
Entry-level job — An entry level job is a job that generally requires little skill and knowledge, and is generally of a low pay. These jobs may require physical strength or some on site training. Many entry level jobs are part time, and do not include employee… … Wikipedia
specific intent — The mental purpose to accomplish a specific act prohibited by law. The most common usage of specific intent is to designate a special mental element which is required above and beyond any mental state required with respect to the actus reus of… … Black's law dictionary
specific impulse — noun : the thrust produced per unit rate of consumption of the propellant usually specified in pounds of thrust per pound of propellant used per second and forming a measure of the efficiency of performance of a rocket engine * * * Rocketry. 1. a … Useful english dictionary
specific legacy — noun : a bequest of a particular identifiable and existing thing or part (as a specified animal) out of a testator s estate compare general legacy * * * specific legacy A legacy of a definite thing, such as jewels, pictures, a sum of stock in the … Useful english dictionary
specific resistance — noun : resistivity 2b * * * Elect. resistivity (def. 2). * * * specific resistance noun Resistivity • • • Main Entry: ↑specify … Useful english dictionary
entry/exit delay — n. an alarm or access control feature which allows a specific time lapse between the activation of a switch and the activation of a secondary component … Locksmith dictionary